What Does a Tree Arborist Do?

A tree arborist is a professional who is trained to work with trees, shrubs, and woody plants. They know how to prune and remove them safely, while also keeping nearby buildings and people safe.

San Antonio arborist can even diagnose problems and make recommendations to help a tree overcome diseases and pests. They also plant trees and can recommend species that are appropriate for certain locations.


Arborists are trained professionals who specialize in the care of trees. They have the knowledge and skills to help trees remain healthy, and can also provide a wide range of benefits to property owners. Arborists can work in a variety of settings, including commercial and residential properties.

In addition to education and training, arborists need to be physically fit and have good manual dexterity as they often climb and use tools such as chainsaws. They also need to be able to evaluate tree health and recommend treatment as needed. A high school diploma is usually required for entry-level positions, but an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in horticulture, landscape design, or forestry is beneficial. Continuing education courses are also important for maintaining professional certification from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).

Those who wish to become professional arborists must undergo a rigorous qualification process, including extensive training and exams. They must also follow a code of ethics to ensure the quality of their work. They may also need to obtain an insurance certificate if they plan to work with pesticides or herbicides.

The ISA offers several credentials for arborists, including the Certified Arborist(r) credential and the Board Certified Master Arborist(r). The latter is the most advanced credential offered by the ISA, and requires a minimum of three years of full-time work experience in the field. It is designed to recognize those who have achieved the pinnacle of their profession.

Many state governments regulate the use of pesticides, so it is important for an arborist to know the laws in their area. They should be licensed by their state’s department of agriculture and have the proper insurance to avoid liability. 


To become a tree arborist, you need to have a lot of experience. This can be gained by working for nurseries, landscaping companies, city parks, forestry agencies, and utility companies. In addition, you need to be able to climb trees and diagnose problems. If you have a good base of knowledge, you can take the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist exam. This certification will allow you to work in a more specialized area of tree care, such as pruning or removal.

Some states have different requirements for becoming a licensed arborist. In Louisiana, for example, you need to pass a test and pay a fee to be licensed. You also need to show proof of liability insurance. In other states, such as Connecticut, you need a degree in arboriculture or a related field and three years of work experience.

Other credentials that you can earn include ISA Tree Worker Climber Specialist and ISA Board Certified Master Arborist. These are advanced credentials, and you can only achieve them by completing additional training and passing an exam. These are the highest credentials available for arborists, and they can increase your job opportunities.

Tree training is a technique used to direct the shape of a tree as it grows. The goal is to create a desired shape with the help of selective pruning and limb positioning techniques. This method is beneficial for both the tree and the homeowner, as it improves air circulation around the branches, reduces water usage, and decreases the risk of storm damage. It can also reduce the need for future expensive repairs, such as tree cabling and bracing. Tree training is a great option for homeowners who want to keep their property safe and beautiful.

Job duties

Arborists care for trees and other woody plants. They are often called upon for advice on selecting the best tree species for a particular location, planting and caring for them, and providing services like pruning and removing diseased or damaged trees. They also use best management practices for plant health care, such as fertilization, insect control, and soil aeration. Some arborists even offer consultation and risk assessment services to property owners.

The job duties of an arborist vary, but they usually include inspecting and assessing trees, performing pruning or removal work, and working with other plant care experts to manage the health and welfare of trees. They must be comfortable working in high areas and using a variety of tools and machinery, such as chainsaws, stump grinders, and chippers. Arborists must also have good physical fitness and be able to climb large limbs in strenuous conditions.

Tree inspection is a crucial part of the job and requires extensive knowledge of the biology of trees, the types of damage that can occur to them, and the ways in which they are affected by environmental factors. Arborists must be able to identify signs of disease, pest infestation, and structural problems in trees. They may also use specialized equipment, such as resistographs or sonic tomography, to assess the internal structure of a tree.

Arborists also need to be familiar with various types of construction equipment, and they must be comfortable using a variety of power tools and climbing techniques. They need to be able to identify and report on any safety issues, and they must follow all workplace health and safety standards. Arborists may also need to travel to different locations for work, and they must be prepared to work in a wide range of weather conditions.

Work environment

Arborists must work in a variety of environments, including urban settings. They trim trees and shrubs around roadways, power lines, sidewalks, and other public works. They also work in parks, yards, and other residential areas to improve the health and beauty of these plants. They use specialized climbing and rigging techniques to safely reach the tops of large trees. Arborists can also perform groundwork tasks such as removing limbs from a tree, preparing a site for new construction, and preparing plant material for transplanting or shipping.

Arboriculturalists are often employed by municipal governments to help keep the city’s roads and sidewalks safe. They may also be hired by utility companies to clear the paths of overhead power lines. These professionals are also responsible for supporting structurally weak or leaning trees and identifying and treating diseases or pests. They can load stumps and limbs into trucks for removal or feed them into chippers for recycling. They also fertilize and spray trees to ensure their health and prevent insect infestations.

Working as an arborist is a challenging and rewarding career. It requires good physical strength to operate the equipment used on a daily basis, and it is important to have excellent communication skills so that they can communicate with other workers while on the job. They need to be able to read and understand technical documents as well as have a high level of understanding about the biology of trees.

Many people assume that an arborist is a lumberjack or someone who simply cuts down trees, but this is far from the truth. While some arborists do remove unhealthy or dangerous trees, their main focus is on preserving and improving the appearance of existing vegetation.


Arborists should take many safety measures when working in the field. These safety precautions can include a pre-work assessment, a risk analysis and specialized gear. In addition, they should always climb using ropes and harnesses that are brightly colored to make them easier to see.

They should also be careful when climbing trees in close proximity to power lines. These wires can be damaged by a variety of means, including direct contact or by arcing, and they can electrocute an arborist who is not properly trained. It is important for them to be able to tell whether a line is live and, if they suspect it is, to get in touch with the utility company and ask for it to be de-energized or shielded.

In addition, arborists should avoid climbing in high winds and icy or snowy weather. These conditions can cause a tree to fall and cause injuries to the arborist. Finally, they should always wear a helmet that meets the EN397 industrial standard for impact absorption. This helmet protects the head from any damage that may be caused by falling branches or debris.

Qualified arborists can help property owners with gardening and landscape planning, plant health care, and a variety of other tasks. They can also help with tree pruning and large tree removals. They can even assess and treat construction-damaged trees to ensure that they survive.

A qualified arborist can help you keep your trees healthy and safe. They can prune or remove any dead or dying branches, and they can provide other landscaping services that will make your home or business more attractive and increase its value. Arborists are a great choice for people who want to maintain their properties, and they can keep your family and pets safe.

A tree arborist is a professional who is trained to work with trees, shrubs, and woody plants. They know how to prune and remove them safely, while also keeping nearby buildings and people safe. San Antonio arborist can even diagnose problems and make recommendations to help a tree overcome diseases and pests. They also plant…